Course description
The Science 7–10 Syllabus includes 2 courses:
- Science 7–10
- Science Life Skills 7–10.
The focus of learning in the Science 7–10 Syllabus is described below.
The Science 7–10 Syllabus develops students’ curiosity about, and interest in, science and the natural world. Students are supported to develop scientific literacy through the Working scientifically processes and are provided with the scientific knowledge required to investigate phenomena, make predictions and solve problems. Students generate and analyse data and evaluate results to develop the ability to make ethical, evidence-based decisions, as informed, reflective and scientifically literate citizens.
What students learn
Students develop knowledge and understanding of the natural and physical world through observation, experimentation and critical analysis. They investigate phenomena, make predictions and solve problems using scientific knowledge and Working scientifically processes.
The study of science explores the rich Cultural and scientific ways of Knowing, Being and Doing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples. Students engage with these evolving Knowledges to understand their application to sustainability and innovation.
Students connect scientific disciplines and apply their knowledge to address real-world challenges. Through authentic learning experiences, they engage with traditional and innovative practices, exploring the impact of science on society and the environment.
By studying science, students develop critical thinking, ethical decision-making and problem-solving skills. They are inspired to find solutions to local and global challenges, explore science-related careers and contribute to society as informed and scientifically literate citizens.
Course requirements
To meet the mandatory curriculum requirements for the RoSA by the end of Year 10, schools must timetable 400 hours of Science to be studied substantially throughout each of Years 7 to 10.
Requirements for investigations
Scientific investigations include both practical investigations and secondary-source investigations. At least 50% of the course time should be allocated to scientific investigations, including time allocated to investigations during depth studies.
Practical investigations
These include:
- undertaking laboratory experiments, including fair tests and controlled experiments that involve the use of appropriate digital technologies
- undertaking fieldwork
- models and simulations.
Some students with disability may require adjustments and/or additional support to engage in practical investigations.
Secondary-source investigations
These include:
- locating and accessing a wide range of secondary data and information
- analysing, using and reorganising secondary data and information.
Depth studies
A depth study is any type of scientific investigation that provides students with an opportunity to pursue their interests and deepen their scientific understanding of one or more focus areas. Depth studies may be completed individually or collaboratively. Students are encouraged to reflect on their learning by developing a portfolio of work to demonstrate their Working scientifically processes.
Students are required to undertake at least one depth study every year across Stage 4 and Stage 5.
Guidelines for depth studies are listed below:
- 5 hours of class time is recommended per year
- at least one practical depth study per stage
- at least 2 Working scientifically processes should be covered.
A depth study may include:
- a practical investigation or series of practical investigations
- a secondary-source investigation or series of secondary-source investigations
- presentations, research assignments or fieldwork reports.
Working scientifically processes
The Working scientifically processes are an integral component of the Science 7–10 Syllabus and are embedded in outcomes and content.
The Working scientifically processes present in the syllabus are:
- observing
- questioning and predicting
- planning investigations
- conducting investigations
- processing data and information
- analysing data and information
- problem-solving
- communicating.
Students learn to work scientifically by using these processes in an interconnected way through regular participation in a range of practical experiences.
Through Working scientifically, students extend their understanding of the nature of science and how scientific ideas, explanations and concepts develop through the processes of scientific inquiry. They understand the unique interdisciplinary nature of science and the importance of scientific evidence in making informed decisions.
Teachers may choose to include additional Working scientifically processes as appropriate.
Data Book
A Data Book (PDF, 1.67MB, 20 pages) has been published to support the implementation of the Science 7–10 Syllabus.
Data Book guide
A Data Book guide (PDF, 571.32KB, 3 pages) has been published to support teachers in using the Science 7–10 Data Book.
Life Skills
For Science Life Skills 7–10:
- Students are required to demonstrate achievement of one or more Science Life Skills 7–10 outcomes.
- Outcomes and content should be selected to meet the particular needs of individual students.
- The focus areas provide possible frameworks for addressing the Science Life Skills 7–10 outcomes and content and are suggestions only. Teachers have the flexibility to select, group and sequence outcomes and content to meet the needs, strengths, goals, interests and prior learning of their students.
- Investigations are an essential part of the study of science. All students should have the opportunity to participate in investigations to develop their understanding and demonstrate achievement of Science Life Skills 7–10 outcomes.
- Depth studies may be undertaken if appropriate to the needs, interests and abilities of students. Depth studies may be completed individually or collaboratively.
- Students with disability may require adjustments and/or additional support in order to engage with inquiry skills and tools, including fieldwork.
Safety, risk management and animal welfare
Schools are required to ensure they follow safety and risk management, including the welfare of animals, in delivering the Science 7–10 Syllabus.
Further information for Science 7–10
- Course number: 350
- Course hours: 400
- Enrolment type: Mandatory
- Endorsement type: Board developed
- Study via self-tuition: No
Students may not access Life Skills outcomes and other outcomes from the same subject.
Further information for Science Life Skills 7–10
- Course number: 352
- Course hours: 400
- Enrolment type: Mandatory
- Endorsement type: Board developed
- Study via self-tuition: No
Students may not access Life Skills outcomes and other outcomes from the same subject.
RoSA information
To meet the mandatory curriculum requirements for the RoSA by the end of Year 10, schools must timetable:
- 400 hours of mandatory Science throughout Years 7–10.