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NSW Education Standards Authority

11–12Mathematics Extension 1 11–12 Syllabus

Record of changes
Implementation from 2026
Expand for detailed implementation advice


Year 11

Language and graphs of polynomials
  • Define a polynomial function P(x) of degree n, where n is a non-negative integer, to be a function that can be expressed in the form Px=anxn+an-1xn-1++a2x2+a1x+a0, for real an,,a0 and an0
  • Define the leading term of P(x) to be the term of highest degree and define the leading coefficient of P(x) to be the coefficient of the leading term
  • Define the constant term of P(x) to be a0
  • Define a polynomial to be monic if its leading coefficient is 1

  • Define the zero polynomial to be Px=0 to be the polynomial with all the coefficients equal to zero and recognise that the zero polynomial has no leading term, no leading coefficient, no degree and constant term 0

  • Determine the degree of Px+Q(x) when two non-zero polynomials P(x) and Q(x), of degrees n and m respectively, are added
  • Explain how the leading coefficient and the degree determine whether y or y- as x and as x- 
  • Define the zeroes of P(x) to be the numbers α such that Pα=0, and define the roots of the polynomial equation Px=0 to be its solutions, and recognise that every real number is a zero of the zero polynomial
  • Define α as a repeated zero or multiple zero of a non-zero polynomial Px=x-αQ(x) when (x-α) is a factor of Q(x), and α as a single zero of P(x) when (x-α) is not a factor of Q(x), for Q(x)0 

  • Define α as a zero of P(x) of multiplicity m if Px=x-αmQ(x), where m is a positive integer and Q(α)0

  • State the multiplicity of each root of a polynomial equation given in factored form

  • Find the zeroes of a polynomial that is expressed as a product of linear factors, determine their multiplicity and graph the polynomial

Remainder and factor theorems
  • Examine the process of division of polynomials by comparing with the process of division with remainders for whole numbers, and use the terms dividend, divisor, quotient and remainder

  • Express in the form P(x)=A(x)Q(x)+R(x) the result of dividing P(x) by a divisor A(x), that is not the zero polynomial, with quotient Q(x) and remainder R(x), and explain why either Rx=0 or degR(x)<degA(x) 
  • Express the result of the division also in the form PxAx=Qx+RxAx
  • Explain why division by x-α yields Px=x-αQx+r, where r is a constant, and why x-α is a factor if and only if r=0
  • Prove and apply the remainder theorem for polynomials: when Px is divided by x-α, the remainder is P(α), and solve related polynomial problems
  • Prove and apply the factor theorem for polynomials: Pα=0 if and only if x-α is a factor of P(x), and solve related polynomial problems
  • Use the factor theorem to find all factors of P(x) of the form x-α, where α is an integer, and use division to find the remaining factor of the polynomial
Sums and products of zeroes of polynomials
  • Prove that if a quadratic Px=ax2+bx+c has zeroes α and β then α+β=-ba, the sum of the zeroes, and αβ=ca, the product of the zeroes
  • Prove that if a cubic Px=ax3+bx2+cx+d has three zeroes α, β, γ, then α+β+γ=-ba, αβ+βγ+γα=ca and αβγ=-da
  • Prove that if a quartic Px=ax4+bx3+cx2+dx+e has four zeroes α, β, γ, δ then α+β+γ+δ=-ba, αβ+αγ+αδ+βγ+βδ+γα=ca, αβγ+βγδ+γδα+δαβ=-da and αβγδ=ea
  • Use the formulas for the sums and products of zeroes to solve problems involving zeroes and coefficients of quadratic, cubic and quartic polynomials

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