Course description
Modern History Life Skills 11–12 provides opportunities for students to explore the forces that have shaped the modern world. Students develop skills in locating, selecting, organising, planning and presenting information within a historical context. Students develop knowledge and understanding to contribute as active and informed citizens.
What students learn
Through the study of Modern History Life Skills 11–12, students:
- explore key events, developments, movements, individuals and groups of the recent past to develop an understanding of how these have impacted our world
- examine key themes, such as power and authority, nationalism, peace and conflict, and rights and freedoms, and consider how these have contributed to our world
- develop knowledge and skills in historical inquiry by participating in historical investigations
- pose questions, gather evidence, process information, draw conclusions and communicate their understandings about the past
- develop an appreciation of diverse perspectives and ideas.
Course structure
The course numbers and units for each year of study are set out below.
Course numbers:
- Modern History Life Skills (Year 11, 2 units): TBA
- Modern History Life Skills (Year 12, 2 units): TBA
Modern History Life Skills Year 11 and Year 12
The following focus areas can be studied throughout Year 11 (120 hours) and Year 12 (120 hours).
- Investigating modern history – The nature of modern history; Case studies
- The shaping of the modern world
- Historical investigation
- Democracy and dictatorship 1919–1939
- National studies
- Peace and conflict
- Change in the modern world
For Modern History Life Skills:
- Students are required to demonstrate achievement of one or more Modern History Life Skills 11–12 outcomes.
- Outcomes and content should be selected to meet the particular needs of individual students.
- The outcomes describe the knowledge, understanding and skills that students are expected to demonstrate as a result of teaching and learning. Teachers should use the outcomes to determine the scope of learning for the content included in each focus area.
- The focus areas provide possible frameworks for addressing the Modern History Life Skills 11–12 outcomes and content and are suggestions only. Teachers have the flexibility to select, group and sequence outcomes and content to meet the needs, strengths, goals, interests and prior learning of their students.
- The content for historical concepts and skills should be integrated throughout the course.
- The Historical Investigation can be integrated into any aspect of the course or undertaken as a discrete focus area for students with specific areas of historical interest. The investigation can be undertaken collaboratively or independently.
- There is potential for content in Modern History to resonate with students’ lived experiences. Teachers should be aware of the backgrounds and experiences of their students so that they can present different perspectives sensitively.
- Examples provided in the content are suggestions only. Teachers may use the examples provided or use other examples to meet the particular needs of individual students.
Further information for Modern History Life Skills Year 11
- Course number: TBA
- Course hours: 120
- Course units: 2
- Enrolment type: Elective
- Endorsement type: Board developed
- Study via self-tuition: No
- Modern History (Year 11, 2 units): TBA
- Human Society and its Environment Life Skills (Year 11, 2 units): TBA*
*Where Modern History Life Skills is undertaken in the course.
Further information for Modern History Life Skills Year 12
- Course number: TBA
- Course hours: 120
- Course units: 2
- Enrolment type: Elective
- Endorsement type: Board developed
- Study via self-tuition: No
- Modern History (Year 12, 2 units): TBA
- History Extension (Year 12, 1 unit): TBA
- Human Society and its Environment Life Skills (Year 12, 2 units): TBA*
*Where Modern History Life Skills is undertaken in the course.