11–12Geography 11–12 Syllabus
Year 11
The diversity and extent of human activity on the Earth’s surface on a global scale, including spatial patterns of settlement, infrastructure, and agricultural and industrial production
Spatial patterns related to culture
The increasingly integrated nature of the world
Including:- economic activities and cultures
- the effect of technological change on interconnections between places in relation to distance and time
- the role of transnational corporations (TNCs), world cities, migration and tourism in international integration
The characteristics, growth and distribution of the world’s population, including trends, rates of change and density
Influences that shape global population change
Including:- demographic transition
- population movements
Challenges arising from population change – environmental, economic and social
Population characteristics and trends in TWO countries
Including:- reasons for similarities and/or differences
- challenges and responses in each country
- varying perspectives on population management
Links between population characteristics and natural resources
Including:- the global distribution and consumption of natural resources
- population size, distribution and concentration, and levels of resource consumption in various places
- challenges of resource consumption, including depletion of resources, impacts on Indigenous Peoples, environmental degradation, and inequalities in human wellbeing
Students undertake ONE of the following studies to develop an understanding of the role of people in changing places and environments, the processes involved, and various responses to change.
Study 1: Human resilience in diverse environments
Study 2: Local places and global economic change
Study 3: Place and cultural change
Study 4: Political power and contested spaces
Study 5: Technological advances and the transformation of places.
Students investigate:
Environments that challenge some forms of human occupation and survival
Characteristics of environments that contribute to human occupation and endeavour
The contribution of human ingenuity and resilience to the character of places
ONE environment at a local or national scale that challenges human occupation and survival
Including:- spatial patterns and characteristics of the environment
- evidence of human ingenuity and resilience
- impacts of, and responses to, change
- opportunities to enhance environmental sustainability and/or human wellbeing
Students investigate:
Places relatively unaffected by global economic change
Changes to places resulting from global economic integration and global flows of people, goods and ideas
Impacts of change on the human and physical characteristics of places, including impacts on Indigenous Peoples and lands
ONE place outside Australia shaped by international economic integration
Including:- nature of change resulting from global linkages
- responses to economic integration
- opportunities to enhance environmental sustainability and/or human wellbeing
Students investigate:
Culture of place
Influences on the culture of place
Including:- the continuity of cultures in different places
- the processes of diffusion, adoption and adaptation of culture
- the mediums facilitating cultural change
Evidence of cultural change in various places around the world
Impacts of, and responses to, change
ONE place at a local or national scale
Including:- the spatial and cultural characteristics of the place
- influences on the cultural identity of the place
- perceptions of, and responses to, cultural continuity and/or change
- opportunities to enhance environmental sustainability and/or human wellbeing
Students investigate:
The geopolitical characteristics of places from a global perspective, including nation-states and territories, political systems and ideologies, and power blocs
Influences on political tension and conflict
Impacts of, and responses to, political tension and conflict
ONE contested space at a local or regional scale
Including:- spatial patterns and characteristics of the space
- the influence of economic, environmental, social, cultural and/or technological factors
- impacts of political tension and/or conflict on people, places and the environment
- opportunities to enhance environmental sustainability and/or human wellbeing
Students investigate:
Technological advances that have contributed to the rise of global networks
The spatial pattern of networks
The role of networks in transforming places, and the implications for people and/or environments
ONE study of a network at any scale
Including:- spatial patterns and/or characteristics of the network
- the development and/or operation of the network and technological advances
- impacts of, and responses to, change
- opportunities to enhance environmental sustainability and/or human wellbeing