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NSW Curriculum
NSW Education Standards Authority

11–12Ancient History 11–12 Syllabus

Record of changes
Implementation from 2027
Expand for detailed implementation advice


Year 12

Historical personalities

Students develop an understanding of ONE ancient personality, through the investigation of a range of archaeological and written sources and relevant historiographical issues.

The historical concepts and skills content is to be integrated as appropriate.

Students study key features of ONE of the following personalities:

  • Egypt – Hatshepsut
  • Egypt – Akhenaten
  • The Near East – Xerxes
  • China – Qin Shi Huangdi
  • Greece – Pericles
  • Greece – Alexander the Great
  • Rome – Julius Caesar
  • Rome – Agrippina the Younger.
Egypt – Akhenaten
  • The geography of Egypt and its neighbours

  • The roles and images of Egyptian kings

  • Family background and early years

  • Marriage, queens and consorts

  • Relationship with Amenhotep III

Key features and developments
  • Early building program, including East Karnak

  • The political and religious motives for the transfer of the capital to Akhetaten

  • The function and layout of Akhetaten

  • The nature and impact of religious policies

  • Artistic innovations and representations of the Aten, Akhenaten and the royal family

  • The role of Nefertiti and the issue of the co-regency

  • Foreign policy towards Nubia and the Levant

  • Impact and influence

  • Ancient and modern images and interpretations of Akhenaten

  • Problems of evidence, including the value and limitations of ONE ancient source or type of source, in the context of other available sources

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