The Life Skills outcomes codes have changed from ENLS-URT-01 to ENLS-URA-01; ENLS-URT-02 to ENLS-URB-01; ENLS-URT-03 to ENLS-URC-01; ENLS-EIP-01 to ENLS-ECA-01; ENLS-EIP-02 to ENLS-ECA-02; and ENLS-EIP-03 to ENLS-ECB-01.
These codes have also been updated in relevant support materials.
communicates effectively by using interpersonal conventions and language with familiar peers and adults
understands and effectively uses Tier 1 words and Tier 2 words in familiar contexts
identifies, blends, segments and manipulates phonological units in spoken words as a strategy for reading and creating texts
tracks written text from left to right and from top to bottom of the page and identifies visual and spatial features of print
uses single-letter grapheme–phoneme correspondences and common digraphs to decode and encode words when reading and creating texts
reads decodable texts aloud with automaticity
comprehends independently read texts using background knowledge, word knowledge and understanding of how sentences connect
creates written texts that include at least 2 related ideas and correct simple sentences
applies phonological, orthographic and morphological generalisations and strategies to spell taught familiar and high-frequency words when creating texts
produces all lower-case and upper-case letters to create texts
understands and responds to literature read to them
communicates effectively by using interpersonal conventions and language to extend and elaborate ideas for social and learning interactions
understands and effectively uses Tier 1, taught Tier 2 and Tier 3 vocabulary to extend and elaborate ideas
uses initial and extended phonics, including vowel digraphs, trigraphs to decode and encode words when reading and creating texts
sustains reading unseen texts with automaticity and prosody and self-corrects errors
comprehends independently read texts that require sustained reading by activating background and word knowledge, connecting and understanding sentences and whole text, and monitoring for meaning
plans, creates and revises texts written for different purposes, including paragraphs, using knowledge of vocabulary, text features and sentence structure
applies phonological, orthographic and morphological generalisations and strategies when spelling words in a range of writing contexts
uses a legible, fluent and automatic handwriting style, and digital technology, including word-processing applications, when creating texts
understands and responds to literature by creating texts using similar structures, intentional language choices and features appropriate to audience and purpose
communicates with familiar audiences for social and learning purposes, by interacting, understanding and presenting
builds knowledge and use of Tier 1, Tier 2 and Tier 3 vocabulary through interacting, wide reading and writing, and by defining and analysing words
sustains independent reading with accuracy, automaticity, rate and prosody suited to purpose, audience and meaning
reads and comprehends texts for wide purposes using knowledge of text structures and language, and by monitoring comprehension
plans, creates and revises written texts for imaginative purposes, using text features, sentence-level grammar, punctuation and word-level language for a target audience
plans, creates and revises written texts for informative purposes, using text features, sentence-level grammar, punctuation and word-level language for a target audience
plans, creates and revises written texts for persuasive purposes, using text features, sentence-level grammar, punctuation and word-level language for a target audience
selects, applies and describes appropriate phonological, orthographic and morphological generalisations and strategies when spelling in a range of contexts
forms legible joined letters to develop handwriting fluency
uses digital technologies to create texts
identifies and describes how ideas are represented in literature and strategically uses similar representations when creating texts