Course description
The Technology 7–8 syllabus includes 2 courses:
- Technology 7–8 200 hours
- Technology 7–8 Life Skills 200 hours
The focus of learning for all courses in the Technology 7–8 Syllabus is described below.
The Technology 7–8 Syllabus enables students to develop the essential knowledge, understanding and skills of technological learning. Students engage in project work and practical experiences to investigate design opportunities, organise and apply knowledge, conceptualise and develop inspired ideas into sustainable, quality solutions. Students develop their technological skills through the design and production of creative solutions.
What students learn
Students learn to use technologies to design and produce solutions. Through practical experiences and project work students learn to interpret, develop, manage and create products, systems and environments. Students learn about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People’s use of technologies, including examples of design, innovation, technologies and sustainable resource management practices. Students investigate how the application of technologies can contribute to sustainability.
Course requirements
To meet the mandatory curriculum requirements for students by the end of Year 10, schools must timetable 200 hours of mandatory Technology in Years 7 and 8.
Technology 7–8
- All focus areas must be delivered across Years 7–8.
- Students must undertake practical learning and project work for most of the course time.
- Projects developed must ensure that all content can be experienced across Years 7–8. Some students with disability may require adjustments and/or additional support in order to engage in practical experiences.
- Students must document, communicate and evaluate design and production processes for projects across Years 7–8.
Life Skills
For Technology Life Skills 7–8:
- Students are required to demonstrate achievement of one or more Technology Life Skills 7–8 outcomes.
- Outcomes and content should be selected to meet the particular needs of individual students.
- The focus areas provide possible frameworks for addressing the Technology Life Skills 7–8 outcomes and content and are suggestions only. Teachers have the flexibility to select, group and sequence outcomes and content to meet the needs, strengths, goals, interests and prior learning of their students.
- Where appropriate, students should have the opportunity to engage in practical learning or project work. Some students with disability may require adjustments and/or additional support in order to engage in practical experiences.
Project work and practical experiences
To satisfy the requirements of the syllabus, students undertake project work and a range of practical experiences. These experiences should be used to develop the skills designing, collaborating, communicating, documenting and using technologies.
Practical experiences should be designed to be accessible to all students. Practical experiences may include fieldwork, investigation, experimentation, prototyping and production activities.
Students can be supported and extended as they develop skills for design and production processes in technology. Individual interests can be fostered through participation in a range of technology contexts, including school-developed technology contexts.
Safety, risk management and animal welfare
Schools are required to ensure they follow safety and risk management, including the welfare of animals, in delivering the Technology 7–8 Syllabus.
Schools have a legal responsibility in relation to plant and animal biosecurity. The production of plants and animals, including all practical activities involving plants and animals, must comply with relevant guidelines and legislation that are interpreted for schools on the Animals in Schools – Biosecurity website (NSW Department of Education 2023).
Further information for Technology 7–8
- Course number: N/A
- Course hours: 200
- Enrolment type: Mandatory
- Endorsement type: Board developed
- Study via self-tuition: No
Students may not access Life Skills outcomes and other outcomes from the same subject.
Further information for Technology 7–8 Life Skills
- Course number: N/A
- Course hours: 200
- Enrolment type: Mandatory
- Endorsement type: Board developed
- Study via self-tuition: No
Students may not access Life Skills outcomes and other outcomes from the same subject.
RoSA information
To meet the mandatory curriculum requirements for RoSA by the end of Year 10, schools must timetable 200 hours of mandatory Technology 7–8 in Years 7 and 8.
More information about the mandatory curriculum requirements is available on the NSW Curriculum website.