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NSW Education Standards Authority

11–12Mathematics Extension 2 11–12 Syllabus

Record of changes
Implementation from 2026
Expand for detailed implementation advice


Year 12

Applications of calculus to mechanics
Forces and further motion in a straight line
  • Derive expressions for acceleration: dvdt, where v is a function of t, as well as vdvdx and ddx12v2, where v is a function of x
  • Solve problems involving velocity and acceleration expressed in terms of displacement, and acceleration expressed in terms of velocity

  • Examine Newton’s three laws of motion, including force, acceleration, action and reaction under a constant and non-constant force

  • Find acceleration, x¨, using the formula F=mx¨, where F is the force acting on a mass, m
  • Recognise that forces are vector quantities, analyse concurrent forces on a body by resolving them into perpendicular components and use vector projections to determine how much of a given force acts in a given direction in both 2D and 3D contexts

Simple harmonic motion
  • Define simple harmonic motion as motion in which acceleration is proportional to, and in the opposite direction to, displacement, that is x¨=-n2x-c, where x is the displacement of a particle from the centre of motion at x=c and x¨ is the acceleration
  • Recognise that the force F(x) acting on a body of mass, m, executing simple harmonic motion according to the equation x¨=-n2x-c, is a restoring force which acts towards the centre of motion causing the body to oscillate around the centre of motion
  • Verify that x=Asinnt+α+c, x=Acosnt+α+c, or x=Acosnt+α+Bsin(nt+β) are solutions to the differential equation defining simple harmonic motion
  • Describe simple harmonic motion using displacement, velocity, acceleration, force, amplitude and period

  • Prove that motion is simple harmonic by obtaining an equation of the form x¨=-n2x-c, when given an equation for acceleration, velocity or displacement
  • Graph x,  x˙ and x¨ as functions of t with and without graphing applications for a particle moving in simple harmonic motion where x is of the form x=Acosnt+α+c or x=Asinnt+α+c
  • Determine equations for simple harmonic motion when given graphs of acceleration, velocity or displacement in terms of time

  • Derive v2=n2A2-x-c2 for a particle moving in simple harmonic motion according to x¨=-n2x-c, where A is the amplitude
  • Determine equations for the displacement, x, and velocity, v, in terms of time for an object executing simple harmonic motion according to a given equation x¨=-n2x-c and satisfying given initial conditions
  • Model and solve problems involving simple harmonic motion using relevant formulas and graphs

Modelling motion without resistance
  • Derive the equations of motion for a particle travelling, without resistance, in a straight line with constant and variable acceleration and use the equations of motion to solve problems

  • Analyse and solve problems relating to motion on a smooth inclined plane by resolving forces into components parallel and perpendicular to the inclined plane

  • Solve motion problems involving a single smooth pulley and a smooth inclined plane where a body hangs vertically or lies on a smooth horizontal or inclined plane

Rectilinear resisted motion
  • Derive, from Newton’s laws of motion, F=mx¨, the equation for acceleration of a particle moving in a straight line and in the absence of external forces, except for a resistance oppositely directed to the motion and with a magnitude proportional to a power of the speed
  • Derive an expression for velocity as a function of time of a particle moving in a straight line and in the absence of external forces, except for a resistance oppositely directed to the motion and with a magnitude proportional to a power of the speed

  • Derive an expression for velocity as a function of displacement of a particle moving in a straight line and in the absence of external forces, except for a resistance oppositely directed to the motion and with a magnitude proportional to a power of the speed

  • Derive an expression for displacement as a function of time of a particle moving in a straight line and in the absence of external forces, except for a resistance oppositely directed to the motion and with a magnitude proportional to a power of the speed

  • Solve problems, excluding those with pulley systems, involving a particle moving in a straight line subject to a resistance oppositely directed to the motion and with a magnitude proportional to a power of the speed

Vertical resisted motion
  • Derive, from Newton’s laws of motion, F=mx¨, the equation for acceleration of a particle moving vertically (upwards or downwards) in a resistive medium and under the influence of constant gravity, where the particle experiences a resistance, R, oppositely directed to the motion, whose magnitude is proportional to the first or second power of the speed
  • Derive expressions for velocity both as a function of time and of displacement for vertical resisted motion under the influence of constant gravity, with a resistance, R, oppositely directed to the motion, whose magnitude is proportional to the first or second power of the speed
  • Derive an expression for displacement as a function of time for vertical resisted motion under the influence of constant gravity, with a resistance, R, oppositely directed to the motion, whose magnitude is proportional to the first or second power of the speed
  • Define the terminal velocity of a particle falling through a medium as the constant velocity the particle reaches when the resistance of the medium prevents further acceleration

  • Determine the terminal velocity of a falling particle from its equation of motion for vertical resisted motion under the influence of constant gravity, with a resistance, R, oppositely directed to the motion, and whose magnitude is proportional to the first or second power of the speed
  • Solve vertical resisted motion problems using the expressions derived for acceleration, velocity and displacement, including finding the maximum height reached by a particle projected vertically upwards and the time taken to reach this maximum height, and finding the time taken for a particle to return to the level from which it was projected and its terminal velocity

Projectiles and resisted motion
  • Distinguish between the shape of the trajectory of a projectile moving under the influence of gravity and with negligible resistance and the shape of the trajectory of a projectile moving under the influence of gravity subject to resistance whose magnitude is proportional to the speed

  • Establish and use the equations for acceleration for a projectile moving under the influence of gravity, projected at an angle to the horizontal, and subject to a resistance whose magnitude is proportional to the speed, to solve problems

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