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NSW Education Standards Authority

11–12Mathematics Extension 2 11–12 Syllabus

Record of changes
Implementation from 2026
Expand for detailed implementation advice


Year 12

The nature of proof
The language and notation of proof
  • Use the formal language of proof, including the terms ‘statement’, ‘proposition’, ‘implication’, ‘converse’, ‘negation’, ‘contradiction’, ‘counterexample’, ‘equivalence’ and ‘contrapositive’

  • Define a statement or proposition as a sentence that is either true or false, but not both

  • Use the notation PQ to represent the statement and Q’ and the notation PQ to represent the statement ‘P or Q
  • Define and use the negation of P as ‘not P, denoted ¬P or P
  • Define an implication as an ‘if–then’ statement, where ‘if P then Qis denoted PQ or PQ, read as ‘P implies Q
  • Use the quantifiers ‘for all’ , and ‘there exists’ in formulating statements
  • Negate statements including the negation of a negation ¬¬P=P, the negation of an implication ¬PQ=and ¬Q= ¬Q, the negation ¬and Q=(¬or ¬Q), that is ¬ Q=(¬ ¬Q), and the negation ¬or Q=(¬and ¬Q), that is ¬ Q=(¬ ¬Q), noting that PQ=¬and ¬Q=(¬or Q), that is PQ=¬ ¬Q=(¬ Q)
  • Define and use the converse of ‘if P then Q’ as ‘if Q then P, denoted QP
  • Recognise that the converse of a true implication may or may not be true

  • Define equivalence of P and Q, as both PQ and QP, denoted PQ or PQ, read as P if and only if Q’, commonly abbreviated P iff Q
  • Define the contrapositive of ‘if P then Q’ as ‘if not Q then not P’, denoted ¬Q¬P
  • Recognise that an implication is equivalent to its contrapositive, that is (PQ)(¬Q¬P), and use this to prove results
Illustrations of proofs
  • Use proof by contradiction to prove the truth of mathematical statements

  • Use examples and counterexamples to test the truth of mathematical statements

  • Prove results involving integers

Proof of inequalities
  • Prove results involving inequalities using the definition of a>b for real a and b, that is a>b if and only if a – b>0
  • Prove results involving inequalities using the property that squares of real numbers are non-negative, in particular a±b20
  • Prove and use results for numbers: if a>b then a±c>b±c; if a>b>0 then 1b>1a>0 and vice versa; if a>b then a2>b2 and vice versa; if a>b and b>c then a>c; if a>b and c>d then a+c>b+d; if a>b and c>0 then ac>bc; if a>b and c<0 then ac<bc
  • Prove and use the triangle inequality a+ba+b and interpret the inequality geometrically
  • Establish and use the relationship between the arithmetic mean and geometric mean for two non-negative numbers, that is a,b0,​​​​a+b2ab
  • Prove results involving inequalities using previously obtained or known inequalities

  • Prove inequalities involving geometry

  • Prove results using the squeeze theorem: if f(x)g(x)h(x) for all x that are near k, but not necessarily at k, and limxkfx=limxkhx=L, then limxkg(x)=L

  • Prove inequalities using graphical or calculus techniques or a combination of both

Further proof by mathematical induction
  • Prove results involving trigonometric, logarithmic, exponential, polynomial or other identities, including the binomial theorem, using mathematical induction

  • Prove inequality results using mathematical induction

  • Prove results in calculus using mathematical induction

  • Explain that a recursive formula, or recurrence relation, is a formula that defines each term of a sequence using a preceding term

  • Prove results involving first-order recursive formulas using mathematical induction

  • Prove geometric results using mathematical induction

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