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NSW Curriculum
NSW Education Standards Authority

11–12Mathematics Extension 2 11–12 Syllabus

Record of changes
Implementation from 2026
Expand for detailed implementation advice


Year 12

Further integration
  • Derive the identities for trigonometric products as sums and differences for cosAcosB=12cosA-B+cosA+B, sinAsinB=12cosA-B-cosA+B, sinAcosB=12sinA+B+sinA-B and cosAsinB=12sinA+B-sinA-B
  • Use the identities for trigonometric products as sums and differences to solve problems and prove results

  • Solve trigonometric equations by applying the formulas for trigonometric products as sums and differences for cosAcosB, sinAsinB and sinAcosB over restricted domains
  • Use identities relating the trigonometric products as sums and differences to solve problems involving integrals of the form sinmxcosnxdx, sinmxsinnxdx or cos(mx)cos(nx)dx
  • Derive the expressions sinA=2t1+t2, cosA=1-t21+t2 and tanA=2t1-t2 where t=tanA2 (the t-formulas) and use them to solve trigonometric equations over restricted domains
  • Find indefinite integrals and evaluate definite integrals using the method of integration by substitution, where the substitution may or may not be given

  • Decompose rational functions whose denominators can be expressed as a product of distinct linear factors, distinct irreducible quadratic factors and perfect square factors into partial fractions

  • Integrate rational functions whose denominators can be expressed as a product of distinct linear factors, distinct irreducible quadratic factors and perfect square factors, using partial fraction decomposition

  • Integrate rational functions by completing the square on a quadratic denominator

  • Integrate rational functions where the degree of the numerator is not less than the degree of the denominator

  • Integrate functions by changing an integrand into an appropriate form using algebraic manipulation

  • Derive the method for integration by parts

  • Find indefinite integrals and evaluate definite integrals using the method of integration by parts, including problems where more than one application is required

  • Derive and use recurrence relations involving integration by parts

  • Solve theoretical problems involving multiple techniques of integration

  • Solve practical problems involving multiple techniques of integration

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