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NSW Curriculum
NSW Education Standards Authority

11–12Modern History 11–12 Syllabus

Record of changes
Implementation from 2027
Expand for detailed implementation advice


Year 12

Peace and conflict

Students investigate key features of the history of ONE of the following options in Peace and conflict.

The historical concepts and skills content is to be integrated as appropriate.

  • Conflict in Europe 1935–1945
  • Conflict in the Pacific 1937–1951
  • The Cold War 1945–1991
  • The Arab–Israeli conflict 1948–2000
  • Conflict in Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos 1954–1976
  • Conflict in the Gulf 1980–2017
The Cold War 1945–1991
  • The emerging rivalry between the superpowers, including the nature and role of ideology

The development of the Cold War to 1968
  • US policies and strategies, including the policy of containment, domino theory and the creation of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO)

  • Soviet policies and strategies, including intervention in Eastern Europe, the creation of the Warsaw Pact, and the emergence of peaceful coexistence

  • The causes and impact of TWO Cold War crises

  • The arms race and space race

Cold War relations during the period of détente 1969–1979
  • The reasons for and impact of détente

  • The significance of geopolitical developments: the Vietnam War, the Sino–Soviet split

Renewal and the end of the Cold War 1980–1991
  • The impact of the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan

  • US policies and strategies under Ronald Reagan

  • Soviet policies and strategies under Mikhail Gorbachev

  • Reasons for the end of the Cold War

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