Course description
The Commerce 7–10 Syllabus includes 4 elective courses:
- Commerce 7–10 200 hours
- Commerce 7–10 100 hours
- Commerce Life Skills 7–10 200 hours
- Commerce Life Skills 7–10 100 hours.
The focus of learning in the Commerce 7–10 Syllabus is described below.
The Commerce 7–10 Syllabus enables students to develop the knowledge, understanding and skills that form the foundation for making sound decisions about consumer, financial, economic, business, legal, political and work matters. Students develop the ability to research information, apply problem-solving strategies, foster an entrepreneurial mindset and evaluate options in order to make informed and responsible decisions as individuals and members of society.
What students learn
Students learn about consumer, financial, economic, business, legal, political and work concepts and issues. They are provided with the opportunity to develop their research, communication, decision-making and problem-solving skills. Students develop an understanding of the role of government and the law and are equipped to make well-informed decisions in their personal and professional lives as members of a democratic society.
Students develop an understanding of the relationship between consumers, businesses and governments in the economy, investigating how these interactions impact the wellbeing of individuals and communities. They develop knowledge of civics and skills for citizenship, and recognise the importance of being an informed, responsible and active citizen.
Students develop values and attitudes that promote ethical behaviour, social responsibility and a commitment to contributing to a more just and equitable society.
Course requirements
Schools may choose to offer and/or deliver 7–10 elective courses which may be studied in any year.
Elective courses in Years 9 and 10 contribute towards the RoSA.
Commerce 7–10 may be studied as a 100-hour or a 200-hour course. The content available for Stage 4 is identical to Stage 5. When teaching the course in Stage 4, the Stage 5 outcomes may be adjusted as appropriate to the needs of students in Years 7 and 8. Advice is provided to support teachers.
100-hour course
Students are required to undertake:
- a minimum of 2 core focus areas
- additional study of selected options to meet the 100-hour requirement.
200-hour course
Students are required to undertake:
- all 5 core focus areas
- additional study of selected options to meet the 200-hour requirement.
It is recommended that the 100-hour and 200-hour courses commence with a core focus area. Options build on relevant aspects of the essential learning of core focus areas and allow teachers and students to extend core learning.
Across a 100-hour course or a 200-hour course, students may study ONE School-developed option.
Focus areas (core)
- The consumer and financial environment
- The economic environment
- The business environment
- The legal and political environment
- The work environment
Focus areas (options)
- Our economy
- Running a business
- Promoting and selling
- Investing
- Law in action
- Political and community involvement
- The travel consumer
- Towards independence
- School-developed option
Life Skills 100-hour and 200-hour courses
For Commerce 7–10 Life Skills:
- Students are required to demonstrate achievement of one or more Commerce 7–10 Life Skills outcomes.
- Outcomes and content should be selected to meet the particular needs of individual students.
- The focus areas provide possible frameworks for addressing the Commerce 7–10 Life Skills outcomes and content and are suggestions only. Teachers have the flexibility to select, group and sequence outcomes and content to meet the needs, strengths, goals, interests and prior learning of their students.
Further information for Commerce 7–10 – 200-hour elective
- Course number: 430
- Course hours: 200
- Enrolment type: Elective
- Endorsement type: Board developed
- Study via self-tuition: No
Students may not access Life Skills outcomes and other outcomes from the same subject.
Further information for Commerce 7–10 – 100-hour elective
- Course number: 431
- Course hours: 100
- Enrolment type: Elective
- Endorsement type: Board developed
- Study via self-tuition: No
Students may not access Life Skills outcomes and other outcomes from the same subject.
Further information for Commerce 7–10 Life Skills – 200-hour elective
- Course number: 434
- Course hours: 200
- Enrolment type: Elective
- Endorsement type: Board developed
- Study via self-tuition: No
Students may not access Life Skills outcomes and other outcomes from the same subject.
Further information for Commerce 7–10 Life Skills – 100-hour elective
- Course number: 433
- Course hours: 100
- Enrolment type: Elective
- Endorsement type: Board developed
- Study via self-tuition: No
Students may not access Life Skills outcomes and other outcomes from the same subject.
RoSA information
Elective courses in Stage 5 contribute towards the RoSA.
More information about the mandatory curriculum requirements is available on the NSW Curriculum website.