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NSW Curriculum
NSW Education Standards Authority

7–10Commerce 7–10 Syllabus

Record of changes
Implementation from 2027
Expand for detailed implementation advice


Stage 5

Life Skills for Stage 4/5

Through collaborative curriculum planning, it may be decided that Life Skills outcomes and content are the most appropriate option for some students with intellectual disability.

The economic environment

This content aligns with course content from the following focus areas:

  • Loading 
  • Loading 
Foundations of economics
  • Consumer needs and wants

  • Resources required to meet needs and wants

  • Types of producers and consumers

  • Rights and responsibilities of producers and consumers

  • The role of supply and demand

  • The effect of supply and demand on the cost of goods and services

The role of government in the economy
  • The purpose of taxation

  • Types of goods and services provided by the Australian Government

  • Factors affecting access to goods and services

  • Digital technologies that connect people to goods and services

Australia and the global economy
  • What Australia grows and produces

  • The goods and services Australia sells to other countries

  • The goods and services Australia buys from other countries

  • Modes of transportation used in international trade

  • The use of digital technologies in international trade

  • Environmental impacts of international trade

  • Ways to minimise the effects of consumption

Thinking, researching and communicating
  • Investigate a current issue in relation to the economic environment

  • Communicate solutions and/or actions in response to the current issue investigated

  • Create an oral, visual, written or multimodal text to communicate ideas relating to the economic environment

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