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NSW Curriculum
NSW Education Standards Authority

11–12Ancient History 11–12 Syllabus

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Implementation from 2027
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Year 12

Ancient societies

Students investigate key features of ONE ancient society through a range of archaeological and written sources and relevant historiographical issues.

The historical concepts and skills content is to be integrated as appropriate.

Students study key features and issues of the history of ONE of the following:

  • New Kingdom Egypt to the death of Amenhotep III
  • New Kingdom Egypt during the Ramesside period
  • Israel from Solomon to the fall of Samaria
  • Persia in the time of Darius and Xerxes
  • China during the Han dynasty
  • Minoan Crete in the Bronze Age
  • Sparta to the Battle of Leuctra 371 BCE
  • Athens in the time of Pericles.
New Kingdom Egypt during the Ramesside period
  • Significance of the geographical setting, natural features and resources of New Kingdom Egypt

  • The nature and range of sources for this period

  • Issues of ancient sources in understanding this society

  • Differing modern interpretations of a feature of this society

Social and political organisation
  • The roles and images of the pharaoh and the concept of Ma’at

  • The roles of the vizier and members of the religious, administrative and military elites

  • The roles and status of royal and non-royal women

  • The roles and status of scribes, artisans and agricultural workers

  • The nature and significance of the army

Economic activities
  • The importance of the Nile

  • Economic exchange, including taxation, tribute and trade

  • Role of occupations, crafts and industry

  • Technology, including building techniques and irrigation works

  • Workers’ strikes, tomb robberies and corruption

Religious ideology and practice
  • Gods and goddesses, cults and priesthoods

  • Personal religion, including magic and personal piety

  • The role of festivals, including Opet, Beautiful Feast of the Valley and Heb-Sed

  • Funerary customs, rituals, afterlife concepts and mummification

  • Funerary texts, including The book of the dead, the Amduat and The book of gates

  • The architecture and function of temples, including the Ramesseum and Medinet Habu

  • The architecture and decoration of tombs

Cultural life
  • Writing and literature, including The tale of two brothers and The report of Wenamun

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