analyses the relationship between author, purpose, form, language, audience and context
analyses the ways meaning is made through an author’s choice of textual form and language features
analyses how texts are valued in a range of contexts and cultures for different purposes and audiences
uses independent inquiry skills to analyse key texts and compose texts
crafts extended texts that experiment with textual form and language features for a range of purposes and audiences
analyses choices in textual form and language, and their influence on the crafting of texts
evaluates the relationship between author, purpose, form, language, audience and context
evaluates the ways meaning is made through an author’s choice of textual form and language features
analyses how texts are valued in a range of contexts and cultures for different purposes and audiences
uses independent inquiry skills to analyse key texts and compose complex texts
crafts extended texts that experiment with textual form and language features for a range of purposes and audiences
analyses choices in textual form and language, and their influence on the crafting of texts
evaluates the relationship between author, purpose, form, language, audience and context
communicates insights and arguments about an area of literary inquiry or debate
evaluates the ways meaning and value can be assigned to authors and texts
creates sustained critical and creative texts supported by independent inquiry and scholarly readings
creates sustained texts that integrate medium and concept to shape meaning for particular purposes and audiences
examines and evaluates the ways literary debates influence compositional processes and choices