11–12English Advanced 11–12 Syllabus
The new English Advanced 11–12 Syllabus (2024) is to be implemented from 2026.
- Plan and prepare to teach the new syllabus
2026, Term 1
- Start teaching new syllabus for Year 11
- Start implementing new Year 11 school-based assessment requirements
- Continue to teach the English Advanced Stage 6 Syllabus (2017) for Year 12
2026, Term 4
- Start teaching new syllabus for Year 12
- Start implementing new Year 12 school-based assessment requirements
- First HSC examination for new syllabus
Year 12
Students strengthen and extend their knowledge and skills as accomplished writers. They write for a range of purposes and audiences, using language to convey ideas with power and precision. Through the study of quality texts of the past as well as recognised contemporary works, students reflect on the process of writing and apply their knowledge of structure, language and form to create their own sustained and cohesive compositions. These provide models and stimulus for the development of their own complex ideas and written expression. They evaluate how writers use language critically, creatively and imaginatively for a range of purposes, including to express insights, evoke emotion, shape perspective or share aesthetic vision.
Students generate and explore various concepts through discussion and speculation. Through drafting and revising, they experiment with figurative, rhetorical and linguistic devices, including allusion, imagery, narrative voice, characterisation and tone. Students consider context, purpose and audience to deliberately shape meaning in their own compositions. They apply the conventions of spelling, punctuation and grammar appropriately in critical, creative and imaginative writing. Students also reflect on the processes of writing to develop their knowledge of textual forms and features in their own sustained and cohesive compositions.
Students refine and strengthen their own skills in composing highly crafted, imaginative, discursive, persuasive and reflective texts.
The aesthetic qualities of texts and the power of language to express ideas, perspectives and experiences
The forms, language features and stylistic choices that shape imaginative, discursive, persuasive and reflective texts
Compose personal, critical and creative texts that experiment with emerging forms, language features and literary devices including imagery, motif and allusion
Compose texts that use the language of critical and creative expression
Compose imaginative, discursive, persuasive and reflective texts that affirm or challenge ideas, values and perspectives represented in texts
Use metalanguage to assess and reflect on their own process of writing and the writing of others
Draft, reflect, edit, refine, revise and present texts for a range of audiences and purposes