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NSW Curriculum
NSW Education Standards Authority

11–12Ancient History 11–12 Syllabus

Record of changes
Implementation from 2027
Expand for detailed implementation advice


Year 12

Ancient societies

Students investigate key features of ONE ancient society through a range of archaeological and written sources and relevant historiographical issues.

The historical concepts and skills content is to be integrated as appropriate.

Students study key features and issues of the history of ONE of the following:

  • New Kingdom Egypt to the death of Amenhotep III
  • New Kingdom Egypt during the Ramesside period
  • Israel from Solomon to the fall of Samaria
  • Persia in the time of Darius and Xerxes
  • China during the Han dynasty
  • Minoan Crete in the Bronze Age
  • Sparta to the Battle of Leuctra 371 BCE
  • Athens in the time of Pericles.
Sparta to the Battle of Leuctra 371 BCE
  • Significance of the geographical setting, natural features and resources of ancient Sparta

  • The nature and range of sources for this period

  • Issues of ancient sources in understanding this society

  • Differing modern interpretations of a feature of this society

Social and political organisation
  • The Great Rhetra and the issue of Lycurgus

  • The roles and privileges of the 2 kings

  • Structure and features of government, including gerousia, ephorate and ekklesia

  • Roles and hierarchy, including Spartiates, perioikoi, hypomeiones and helots

  • The roles and status of women

  • The nature and role of the agōgē

  • The nature and significance of the Spartan army

  • Control of the helots

Economic activities
  • Land ownership and agriculture, kleroi and helots

  • The role of occupations, crafts and industry

Religious ideology and practice
  • Gods and goddesses, including Artemis Orthia and Apollo

  • The role of festivals, including the Hyakinthia, Gymnopaedia and Karneia

  • Funerary customs and rituals

Cultural life
  • The writing of Alcman and Tyrtaeus

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