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NSW Curriculum
NSW Education Standards Authority

11–12English Studies 11–12 Syllabus

Record of changes
Implementation from 2026
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Year 11

Elective focus areas

The following elective focus areas can be selected for Year 11 or Year 12.

Elective G: Part of a family

Through the study of texts in this focus area, students develop an understanding of how language and texts are used to represent ideas of family and the role of family in diverse cultures and communities. Students examine how representations of family can be shaped by common stories, shared values and experiences. Students extend their knowledge and understanding of family by exploring notions of kinship and power through acts of storytelling. They develop an understanding of how the concept and experiences of family continue to evolve. They also further their understanding of their own place in different or complex family structures, recognising the impact this has on their identity.

Students engage with a range of literary and other texts that offer diverse representations of family relationships and roles. Through the study of informative and imaginative texts, such as novels, films, poetry, feature articles and documentaries, they develop a deeper understanding of the diversity of family structures, the complexity of human relationships, and other topics related to family life. Students reflect on how representations in these texts reflect or extend their own experiences and affirm or challenge their perspectives on family relationships.

  • The ways language forms and features are used to communicate ideas and shape meaning

  • Explicit and implicit meaning in texts

  • The ways mode and medium can influence language and structure

  • The ways that audience, purpose and context shape meaning in a variety of social, community and workplace texts

  • Compose a variety of texts that use language forms and features to present particular attitudes, values and perspectives

  • Compose critical texts that use appropriate evidence to support a clear point of view

  • Use complex sentences to communicate the relationship between ideas in a range of texts

  • Use appropriate textual forms and structures to communicate information and ideas

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